The Origin of Yoga: The Art of meditative Letting Go

The ancient Indian yoga model has established itself in the West as a form of exercise and relaxation. It was proven in studies that yoga has a positive effect on body and mind. Where does Yoga come from, what are the major forms and what does it effectuate it with us?

Yoga is a millennium old philosophical system from India, which includes mental and physical exercises such as Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Kryas, meditation and asceticism. In addition to traditional forms of yoga new styles with a variety of Asanas (postures) have developed in recent decades. The goal in all forms of yoga is stress reduction through harmony of body, mind and soul. Through the improved vitality, which is attained by the help of the exercises, an inner calmness is produced which brings the yogis in general a better life. We introduce the most common forms:

Hatha Yoga
At Hatha Yoga the physical exercises are in the foreground. Hatha means force. One summarizes other yoga forms together as Iyengar or Vini Yoga under the term Hatha Yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga
This type of yoga is a form-fitting variant with classic characters. Here, condition is required, because at Ashtanga Yoga the exercises are performed faster compared to Hatha Yoga. This kind is not really suitable for beginners.

Bikram Yoga
Especially in winter, Bikram Yoga is very much in demand. 26 exercises are practiced in a 35 to 40 degree hot room. The heat is to make tendons and muscles more pliable and thus be more stretchable. The body is to detoxify in addition during perspiration.

Kundalini Yoga
This is the most spiritual form of yoga. Here stretching and breathing exercises are combined with meditation and singing.
